Shining Light on the Darkness

Why doesn't God fix it? Why does He let bad things happen to us? How can a person have some good days and then feel like absolute shit on others. It's easy to feel hopeless and question God and His reasons. Personally, I've tried bribing, negotiating, and after a momentary lasp of insanity even threatening God. All of it has got me nowhere. No, like seriously absolutely nowhere with nothing to show. I'm here to tell you that your questioning is okay.  Even if these feelings and questions are the kind you can't say in church, they can still be said to God. Don't worry, He is not going to get angry and strike you down. God knows we are human and He isn't threatened by it. He knows all of our struggles and why. Being transparent with our emotions and feelings gets the toxins out. Getting the toxins out creates room for God's truth.

I felt alone for so long, like I was the only one that felt this way, then I got to thinking, there is an entire book of people like just like me. There are multitudes of people in the Bible that have been in my same position, at a loss and begging God to fix it. To tell you the truth, I didn't feel so bad when I remembered the most important person who questioned God, Jesus. He was on the cross and asked the ultimate question: why? Mark 15:34 says, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus knew the answer to the question and ultimately said thy will be done, yet he was in enough pain to cry out in pain and ask, why? That right there speaks to me 1,000% and let's me know that I am certainly not the only one who has felt helpless and alone.

I often feel like my feelings are too dark or desperate to say them out loud for fear of judgement and I'm sure so many of you feel the same. I'm here to tell you to take every fear, emotion, question, and feeling to God. He's the only one who is strong enough to handle what you are feeling. It's better to let it all air out in your prayers and let God handle it rather that you try to fit it yourself.


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