New Year, New Journey

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back!

If you are friends with me on Facebook then you have seen the good news, my husband and I are adopting! Que all of the happy emojis and applause! We are unbelievably excited about the opportunity to become parents, yet absolutely terrified at the same time. So many emotions right now. We pray daily for not only our personal journey, but the journey of our future birth mother. I could not imagine what it would feel like to give up the child that grew under your heart for 9 months. I know she is more terrified than we could ever be. Yet at the same time she will be the most amazing human to me to know in her heart that she will be doing what is best for her child, by giving them a wonderful life, and how wonderful that life will be to have not one but 2 sets of parents that will love them.

We don't plan on sharing everything and I'm pretty sure most don't even care, but we just want to let folks in for a glimpse of how we got to where we are. Back in the summer of 18' we researched agencies that we wanted to work with, made pro/con lists and finally decided on one. We filled out 2 trees of papers and got accepted into their domestic infant adoption program. We got what?!?! I'm pretty sure I stood up on the couch like Tom Cruise did on Oprah and screamed that night! We packed our bags and flew to see the agency, tour their facilities, meet and talk to birth mom's, and sit in a room surrounded by so many other couples our age that couldn't wait adopt either.
Now 10 trees later, we are at the end of our paperwork process 🙌. We still have a long way to go, but wanted to include everyone on our journey. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue on in our journey of growing our family. 👪 💜


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