True Friends
Let me tell y'all how thankful I am for people who take time out of their own busy days to send me sweet pictures or send me a message to say that I have been on their mind and they are praying for me. God puts people in our paths for a reason. Friends are people who are truly there to check on you. They are people who pray for you. Friends to me are rare and it is good to have people in your corner who can truly rely on no matter the circumstances. So often times we have people who are only nice to our faces or only when they have to be. I unfortunately have been one of those people more times than not. It wasn't until I needed people in my corner that I truly realized the importance of friendship. It was something that I have so often taken for granted that after ny miscarriage and all of my sickness that I truly realized how blessed I was to have the people that I did have. It took all of that to reevaluate how I was as a friend and come to terms that i had not been the best friend I could have been. Since that moment I am trying to be a better friend. Lord knows that I don't always get it right, but I am so unbelievably thankful that I have a God who is in the business of second chances, who picks me up when I fail, dusts me off, and tells me to try again.
My group is small, but it is fierce! May God always keep these people close to me and me to them. May he bring others closer to him by our examples and may we be there for them to support them on their personal walks with Christ.
My group is small, but it is fierce! May God always keep these people close to me and me to them. May he bring others closer to him by our examples and may we be there for them to support them on their personal walks with Christ.
have a great day