Kissing 2017 Goodbye 💋👋

I think about how just nieve I was at the beginning of 2017. I was on cloud 9 after just marrying my ❤ and didn't think I would be coming down from the high I was on. I remember telling everyone I was turning 27 on the 27th and it was my "golden year". How quickly the mighty have fallen is all I can think now. I started at the top, quickly fell, and have been clawing my way back ever since. Am I bitter? By no means am I bitter about the outcome. It took me a little while to come to terms with what I've experienced, but I'm truly thankful for what I've gone through no matter how painful it was and what I've learned from it. I can now appreciate why God did what he did and why he brought me to this point in my life. Truthfully he brought me to this point to find him and luckily I accepted his calling!

This past year I got to spend quality time with my husband in our first year of marriage, I gained a new best friend, I became closer to both of my families especially my sister, I learned I love to bake cheesecakes, we spruced up our house a bit,  my only grandparent experienced a milestone birthday, I traveled, we lost our baby, I suffered mentally and physically, I took my first ambulance ride, I was given an opportunity to write for a local newspaper, but most importantly, I renewed my relationship with God. Looking back at this list there are so many things to praise God for and there are so many things that took me a LONG time to find the good. God doesn't give us the good without the bad and I've learned that we shouldn't praise him only during the good. We should continuously praise him because without him nothing is possible.

What a year it has been though! It's been the most trying year of my life. I have had mixed emotions about the year, but one thing I am certain about is, I am so glad to be starting a new one tomorrow. I'm thankful to have another 365 days to live, love, and learn. I'm thankful that God gives us second chances not only with him, but in our daily lives. I'm excited to have 2017 behind us and I can't wait for what 2018 has to hold.

I've thought long and hard about having a new years resolution, like lose weight or some other silly plan that I wouldn't be able to stick to. The only things that makes sense to me are to find a verse that defines me and my life. A verse that I can always turn to no matter what I am experiencing. My second resolution is to spend 2018 doing things that make me smile! My last one is to get off of all forms of prescription medicine. They all seem pretty simple, but I'm excited to finally have found resolutions that I'm positive I'll be able to follow through with.

I also want to take the time to thank every single person who has read, shared, or personally told me how much they love reading what I write. This started out as something that was just therapuetic for me, but in the few short months I've had it, it has become so much more and reached more people than I ever thought possible. Thank you to my unbelievably supportive family, all 2 of my friends, and a huge shoutout to everyone that let me get all the baby snuggles I could handle from your sweet, little ones over the past few months. It did my soul good. It all has meant the world to ke.
Here's to 2018, may it be full of love and light for every single one of you!

A few pictures that defined my year:


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