Food Lion Hero

I have been M.I.A. recently because I've been sick and it literally came out of nowhere like a ninja and karate chopped my legs out from under me 😷.

I want to share with y'all a quick, little story that made my night a few nights ago. Remind you, I am sick and I hate germs so going out into public and mixing my germs with other people's germs gives me the heeby jeebys. JT wasn't here so I mustered up the strength to go to Food Kitty. I drove my struggle bus buggy all around getting what I needed to make me feel better. I always get the small little black cart because I refuse to push that great big one around the store. Needless to say I was carrying things in my arms by the time I made it to the checkout (maybe I'll learn someday.) I paid for my groceries and made my way out to my truck where my cart proceeded to roll away while my back was turned and I half heartedly jogged after it, praying it wouldn't hit another car or person in the meantime. After I got it back a guy that worked there came up to me and could probably see I was struggling. He asked if I had left a bag inside. I said, "to tell you the truth I have no clue, but let me check and I'll come back in if it's mine. I was dreading having to walk all the way back in for the one bag. That precious young man came running out to me with one lone bag filled with bread, oreos, and goldfish. Those are everyone's essentials, right? He even took my cart for me! I held out my hand as if giving the salute as Katniss to Rue from Hunger Games and said to him, "bless you." He was my hero! He didn't have to bring that bag out to me or even take my cart. It was such a simple act of kindness that changed my whole night!

When is the last time you did something nice for a stranger just because?


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