A Year In The Making

I've been chomping at the bit to write this piece! How has it already been a year? It feels like it was just yesterday that my Daddy walked me down the aisle to meet JT and join him as his wife. I'm an anxious person by nature and my Momma and sister were so freaked out at how calm I was the day of our wedding. They knew it was meant to be because God completely calmed me. The only thing I was nervous about was I would cry in front of everyone saying my vows, but I was as cool as a cucumber that day!

Our story isn't wild or crazy. It's a pretty simple one. I knew the first week I met JT that I loved him and I knew in the first month of dating that he was going to be my husband. There really was no question about it. I just simply knew and that was that. He started asking me to marry him every single day 4 months before we got engaged and even before he picked out the ring and has asked me every single day since no matter what. I know, I know where is a trash can so you can get sick.

They say the 1st year is the hardest and boy they weren't lying! We got hit with some hard blows this year physically and mentally. We have a joke that last year was so good to us that 2017 had to make up for all the bad times that were missed in 2016. It's the bottom of the 4th quarter though,and we are hopefully, starting to rally back. The best part of this year was making God the center of our relationship. Our foundation with each other was strong, but we needed a strong foundation with Christ as well. We have been taking our time and making sure our relationship with Him comes first and praying to Him together. Making sure the foundation is firm that we are continuously building on has been very rewarding especially as we continue to grow together and with Christ. We also get to be a part of two families that love us unconditionally and support us whole heartedly!

The best part about being married to JT is he makes me laugh every single day. The worst part is he gone so much working which can be tough. I asked him what the best and worst part of being married to me was and he said,"the best part about being married to you is I'm married to my very best friend and the worst part is you're stubborn as a mule." I guess he has me there.

Don't get me wrong it's not always rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns with sparkles every day. Some days are tough and we get on each other's nerves, some days are worse and we do our own things just to have our own time. When I was looking for someone to spend my life with I knew it would need someone that would be able to go through life with me no matter the circumstance, no matter the outcome, no matter what. JT is that person for me and I like to think I'm that person for him as well. We support each other no matter what is going on and this team of Tysons has a bond that I'm pretty dang proud of so far. We're only a year in and I know that even though there were tough times in our first year that there will be more hard times ahead. I'm just glad I get to have him by my side to go through it all with.

I'm so dag on proud of him when it comes to his farming ability. Trust me anyone can be taught to drive a tractor, but if you're going to make a career out of it, it needs to be something that you eat, sleep, and breathe. He understands so many aspects of farming that he truly amazes me with all the knowledge he stores up there in that noggin of his. I can't wait to see him to continue to be successful in agriculture! I only ask that he brings home a cow or 10 to make this girl happier!

Now, if I haven't made you sick to your stomach already with my sappy post, I wanted to share some or maybe too many photos of our wedding that have never been seen before! All photos were taken by Taylor Dail Photography. Tell her I sent you!


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