Creatures of Comfort

What makes you feel safe and comfortable? For me it was my routine. My routine would start each morning around 6am with a cup of coffee mixed with my protein drink that would create a chocolate coffee goodness that would make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I Love Lucy. I didn't stray from the routine either. I felt like my day was really off if it started any other way. I did it out of comfort and habit. The days of comfort are long gone and I no long start my day with coffee or I Lover Lucy which makes me super sad

We are all creatures of habit. We as humans aren't going to add something to our routines that makes us feel uncomfortable. God wants us to though. He tells us time and time again that life isn't suppose to be easy or comfortable. He makes life hard on purpose. Seems unfair, right? He does it to develop your character.

When you become a Christian you are suppose to become Christlike. For me, that has been hard to understand because when God came to Earth He was perfect. There is no way I can be perfect. I have felt like I've had to change Every. Single. Little. Thing. in order to be the person I thought God needed me to be. I have finally realized that isn't what He wants at all. He doesn't want us to be clones of Him or lose our personalities. Our personalities are what makes us who we are as humans. Some of us are goofy and some of us are more serious. Our personalities are unique.

God wants our character to change not our personalities. He wants us to be like Him in the values we believe in, our attitudes, and characters. Our time spent on this Earth is not suppose to be spent living in comfort it is to be spent strengthening us for the Kingdom of Heaven.


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